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Not too long ago, most people believed in-person meetings were how important business was conducted regarding business-to-business sales. Face-to-face was the name of the game. And then what happened?

Mike Montague interviews David Mattson, President and CEO of Sandler and author of How to Sell to the Modern Buyer. Dave talks about the new Sandler book and how modern sellers can align with the current reality of selling in a hybrid world.

The world has changed in countless ways since early 2020, and that means sales coaching has to adapt. How do you maintain a strong coaching regimen with salespeople who are spending some or all of their working day out of the office?


Long before the pandemic transformed most of our workplaces, I was happy to work full-time as a remote employee. I’ve been one of those lucky people who didn’t really have to change all that much to adapt to the monumental changes that began to unfold in early 2020.

Greater and greater digitization of the sales process was always going to happen; the global pandemic simply hastened its arrival.

The global pandemic forced the buyer/seller relationship online, dramatically accelerating a trend toward digitization of the buying process that was already in place.

High performance sales teams we work with are adopting a hybrid selling approach to leverage the best practices of both in-person and virtual selling.


Mike Montague interviews Dan Tyre, Inbound Fellow at Hubspot, on How to Succeed at Selling in a Hybrid World.